I felt a bit panic-y when I looked at my sewing room and the projects. Many are almost done...most are halfway there...and a few that I really like still look more like piles of scraps than quilts.

So today I am stepping away from the cutting board, pushing back from the sewing machine, tucking away the quilt magazines and focusing on bringing some order to my projects. Even if it is only to make a list of what I want to have finished and in the October Show...at least I would have a plan!

On the good news front the postcards for out show arrived this past week. We used the quilt that won best use of color for the card. It was the fist time I used postcardprinting.com so I was a bit nervous but now I am really happy with the results!
We have a show in September and I still don't know what I am going to enter - I need to get my act together soon. Good luck with your show. The postcards look great!!
Would you mind stopping by when you're done. My UFOs need a bit of organizing too. I'll even make brownies . . . how's that for incentive! LOL
Deadlines usually help but if they are so far away as to seem dreamlike, they disappear from the mind! Hope you get your organization in your sewing room fit enough to mess it all up again:) The postcards look beautiful!
If your show is not until October you have plenty of time. Our show is in April and I'm in the same boat!
Love the painted block.
Wow... the postcards are fantastic! I'll have to check out that site!
Hope the deadline makes you very creative :-)
The postcards turned out lovely and I really like your blocks!
that does remind me i have three quilts just waiting for binding. has it really been three years for one of them... where is the quilt finishing fairy when you need her? good luck, you can do it! the postcards came out great!
We are getting ready for our Tea! In the process of finishing my project too.
That Dobby is a scamp! Glad he made it down safely. That adventure should keep him homebound for a while.
Wahoo! Thanks for the reminder that I need to get some quilts ready for the show. Better get my UFO list out and get serious! The postcards are great! I got mine in the mail.
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