No this isn't a gardening post...this is how I can make what started out as a quick and easy border into a week-long angst session.
Started out with a plan to finish up some leftover Baltimore Album blocks. A quick finish to start off my quilting year. First there was the squaring up disaster - I trimmed one side of a block 1/2 inch too short (duhhhhh.) Fortunately I had extra leftovers so I just put the too-small block into the orphan bag and called in the first substitute. I figure in the end only I (and now you) will know.
The blocks went together fine. I was even able to find the fabric I bought for the border over 13 years ago! (that number 13 foreshadows what is to come....) I laid it out on the dining room table with the single wide wild dark paisley border to show my DH. He just said
yuck. Then it hit me...that is why this has been a UFO for so long. My blocks started out sort of muddy and dark then I added more and more clear colors. The clear colored blocks made it into my first album quilt while these darker blocks racked up frequent-flyer miles in a pretty white box that has moved across down the east coast and twice across the Atlantic. I made my mind up that I didn't want yuck...so back to the fabric stash.

First I cut a ribbon strip from a medium red fabric that there is a bit of in the quilt. (yes, I have fabric that old in my stash...this is housed in the applique cabinet where fabric doesn't turn very quickly! - pun intended!) It did brighten up the paisley a lot. But it gave the whole thing a very formal feeling. I'm just not like that anymore.

So out came this plaid from the same time period - brighter and less formal...but also just a bit boring.
Then I remembered the little HST leftovers from the Carolina Christmas quilt (ok from working on the Carolina Christmas...another one to finish this year!) I have a large baggy filled with these in reds and shirtings.

They make it all a bit scrappy. Sort of a mulit-generational quilt feel...someone found their grandmothers UFO applique blocks then added some HST and a border. I like it...I think...what do you think? Do the HST need another border like with this dark green? or should I pull in a bit of the gold/cheddar? This is definately more fun looking...oh ya, and a lot more work....

So this is my conundrum for the week. Fortunately DH is out of town on business for a couple of nights so I can leave all these good ideas draped around the living room as I make up my mind!