I know, I needed to start a new project. Those bags and boxes of half done quilts and random sewing stuff just aren't enough to keep me busy...that is my story and I'm sticking to it! Anyway, I have been on a finish it kick for several months so pulling out fabric to do something new was just too tempting.

So when Bonnie started posting her Carolina Christmas it was just what I needed to justify a day of fabric rummaging (amazing what I unearthed but that will be in a future post!) I live right on the border between Georgia and South Carolina. When I walk Macbeth along the river I can see S.C. on the other side so a Carolina quilt makes all sorts of sense to me. But of course there is a twist...I am doing it in Pennsylvania colors. My quilt will be in reds, greens, yellows an pinks seen in so many antique quilts from the Pennsylvania area.

During the past weekend we have been invaded by strange herds of reindeer...hundreds of them. My neighborhood has gone crazy decorating for Christmas. There are large reindeer, small reindeer, some made of wood while others are made of wires, some deer look more like misguided moose, and there is even one that is supposed to be nodding its head grazing but instead does a sort of exorcist head twirl and shimmy that scares the heck out of poor Macbeth. There are so many light I think they could see us from the space station. Now I generally like Christmas decorations but a 15 foot blow-up snowman when it is 70 degrees outside just seems wrong. So I haven't done any decorating outside an only put up a few things indoors...I'm hoping this Christmas quilt gets me in the mood!