Today is not a quilting is a "I can't believe Dobby, my "little" grey cat has been with us for a full year!" post.

Dobby at five months...
He sure has grown...he is now taller than my Scottish Terrier Macbeth and weighs in at almost 13 pounds.

Dobby came from the home of a cat hoarder but as he was only 6 weeks when the vet gave him to me I don't think he has any memory of it. By 8 weeks he was stealing Mac's food...good thing Mac loves cats....
Interesting that we got Dobby when we brought Brownie to the vet. She had barely moved for a few days and had lost weight. She has a long term condition and both the vet and my husband thought she may not have long. Since Dobby needed a home (there were 8 orphaned kittens at the vet that day) we decided to take him. Well, those of you who read my blog know Brownie is still around...she rallied and chased Dobby around the house for days....and now at half his weight she still bosses him around!

Dobby at eleven months old...
Unlike my other two cats Dobby isn't a much of a quilt cat. He has his favorite wool one on the couch and will come an look at others what I am sewing but he hasn't stolen any blocks like Brownie does nor has he participated in the block surfing that Goldie loves to do. Only in that way is he a quieter cat than my others!
At one time I was owned by 2 cats. One was a quilt inspector and the other ignored the quilts in favor of yarn and wool. Go figure.
Happy birthday dear Dobby. Happy birthday to U. . . . and many more!
Happy Birthday to the Dobster! He's grown into a handsome fellow.
Wish I was allowed more than one kitty, but husband suffers enough with just one.
Hmmm...husband vs cats...
Best wishes to Mr Dobby. What a handsome guy! Love ya!
Happy Birthday Dobby. You've grown into a beautiful cat.
Isn't he handsome...he's grown into a lovely looking cat.
Happy Birthday, Dobby! love the kitten pic of him stealing food. very sweet.
What a cute post. I like the photo of Dobby in the quilt blocks. Too sweet! Happy BD to Dobby.
i love that little boy - can it be a year already?!? give him a snuggle from me...
Good for you to take this little orphan on! Good thing he gets along with the dog! I have a rescue cat too, and my two small dogs don't faze her one bit!!!!
Dobby is very handsome. I love all cats, and love reading about other peoples. Good to hear Brownie is doing well!
Happy Birthday Dobby! Lovely photos.
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