Sunday, May 27, 2012

Flower gardens

Hope all of you in the U.S. are enjoying your long weekend.  Don't forget to take a minute to remember a fallen veteran...

The heat has pretty much driving me inside.  I did some gardening yesterday...that is if going to Lowes and buying some assorted pots of flowers and sticking them into the existing pots around the front door counts as gardening!

I did take some time to take photos...this Rose of Sharon bush has so many bees it sounds like the bush is alive!

On the subject of gardening I found my missing Grandmother's flower garden top.  It was one of those time that I knew if I just stopped looking it would turn up and there you go.

 I went into the closet to find a dress for an upcoming wedding and there the top was on a hanger with all my good clothes...whatever!  These tops like to play hide and seek a lot....don't you just love the fabrics in this to and how the maker "selectively cut" (fussy-cut for the quilters among us!) the stripes and the checks to make little hexagon frames.


Melzie said...

Lovely quilt, a lot of care taken to line those stripes up just so :) And yes buying flowers at Lowes is for sure gardening lol!
xoxo melzie

julieQ said...

Love that fussy cutting...and yes, that counts as gardening!

Impera Magna said...

If you play with flowers and dirt... that definitely counts as gardening!

So glad you found your grandmother's quilt... it's lovely!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

So happy you found this's just WONDERFUL!! I love the fussy cuts ----

Mary said...

I can't imagine how she got the stripes to come out lined up, such patience

Anonymous said...

Love that fussy cutting...and yes, that counts as gardening!

Calloways Cornelius Nursery

Janet O. said...

I count it as gardening even if I just get out my garden journal and make plans. : )
What a great top--and I can just imagine it hiding among the good clothes, feeling it deserved such an honored spot!

The Civil War Quilter said...

That's gardening in my book. Great old Grandmother's Flower Garden top! I have things hide in my sewing room all the time.

sewkalico said...

Definitely my kind of gardening!!! I had to laugh about where you found that quilt - classic!

McIrish Annie said...

that's about the size of my gardening too! You are ahead of me because you spraypainted your table and I am still just thinking about it! lol!

can't wait to see you reproduce that other gorgeous quilt. stay cool!!