Friday, September 06, 2013

Getting organaized

The next two months look like they will be very busy so I am trying to use this week to get organized!

First I'm getting ready for the AQSG Seminar in Charleston.  I have one bag packed with things for the silent auction, another with some "show and tell" for the string quilt round-table/study, another bag with an example of Cheddar and some vintage cheddar fabric for the Cheddar study session, and finally a bag with some wine and treats for the room...yes, I know I still need to pack clothes!

I'm also trying to get ahead of the curve on my guild's quilt show next month...I made a spreadsheet.  If I just follow that I should be fine.  It includes everything from date to turn in the registration form to if the quilt has it's sleeve, label,

and labeled pillowcase...I bought a stack of pillowcases at a yard sale many years ago and just use them for storing quilts and for carrying them to the show...This pillowcase has gone to three shows!

I am only having four items judged.  I have five for the Bonnie Hunter Inspired Quilt Display...looks like we will have about 25 quilts made from Bonnie's patterns!  I also finished one for the guild crayon challenge.  Phew...oh ya, and I donated to the silent auction.  The only thing I haven't done is something for the Guild's Member's Table...hand-made items made by guild members are sold at the table.  Not sure if I'll have the time or energy for that one!

Things have been slow lately...had a bad re-occurrence of optic neuritis.  It is a symptom of the MS...a painful symptom.  Makes it difficult to drive and the pain sort of wipes me out.  It is slowly getting better so I am hopeful I can avoid any medical intervention (that usually involved steroids which are just yuck...)  Thankfully my show quilts were all at the final stages...just needed bind, label or a case...but I will need to ration energy and events the next couple of weeks!  So as long as I just stick to that spreadsheet....


Janet O. said...

Sounds like you really NEED that spreadsheet! My goodness, woman, stop and take a deep breath! I know that optic neuritis can be bad and I am glad you are improving. Definitely pace yourself--and then have fun!! : )

Tonya Ricucci said...

spreadsheet? that is so... organized of you. sucks about the ON. booo to that. hope you are feeling good for the seminar - don't do anything you don't have to before then and save up your energy.

*kd. said...

Wow! Lot's happening. Very productive of you and very giving in spirit. Dangit about the Optic Neuritis. It's just a bummer, I know it, personal experience and all. I'm glad to read you have a spreadsheet as I think keeping track and managing everything keeps the stress level under wraps (as much as that's possible). Be Well my friend.

libbyquilter said...
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libbyquilter said...
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libbyquilter said...

ha~! love the funny at the end of your post and am amazed at all that you get done~!

it's funny because i realized that i was going to go crazy thinking and worrying about everything that i need to do before Christmas and so i broke it all down and mapped it all out on four big calendar sheets. it's going to be doable but only if i follow through every single day. so yeah, the spreadsheet thing, i get it.

came here via Karendianne's blog and i'm happy to have found you.
you mentioned string piecing in your comment and being a string quilt lover, i had to come and investigate. in addition we have MS in common. but hey, kick some grass over it and carry on right~!?


Impera Magna said...

Oh my... no wonder you need a spreadsheet to get organized! You have a TON o' stuff going on...

Hope the optic neuritis goes away quickly... get some rest, even if you have to put it on the spreadsheet!

Donna said...

Your organization and planning are inspirational. Wow. Sorry to hear about your optic problem. Sounds like you know how to manage all this.
Look forward to hearing about the Study Groups.
Be well.

sewkalico said...

Sorry to hear you've not been well :( Hope you're not doing too much!! (Because I felt tired just reading all that you've got going on!) Wishing you lots of energy for the really fun things on your list that you're looking forward to!

Gypsy Quilter said...

Wow, I'm tired just from reading your list. Sure hope you're feeling better soon and can finish everything in time. Packing is always half the battle before traveling isn't it? Do take care.

cityquilter grace said...

LOL....when i go on retreat the clothes always get packed last too...