Today I am feeling the effects of all the turmoil of the past few days. Old MS syptoms are rearing their ugly head - lost partial sight while walking my dog. Let me tell you getting across a cow pasture and over a fence using a Scottish Terrier as your guide dog does not come highly reccomended! Anyway I made it home and after a short nap I am able to get around OK. Last time this happened I read a paper on the effects of adrenalin on MS patients and there is some science behind the "flight or fight" causing relapses.
So now I am "fighting" the flight or fight effects by doing lots of deep breathing, some Yoga (I am so bad at this!), and eating comfort food (which if you havent tried Quilts and Pieces's Baked Oatmeal you are missing something...maybe not a cure for MS but close!)
I also tried to use the creative part of my brain to take over the panicy part that replays the moments my bag get stolen and tries to figure out what I could have done differently. I can feel my blood pressure rise just writing about it! Anyway, I spent a few hours drawing, a couple folding fabric, and a bit of time making two blocks for Clare at Dordogne Quilter for her Quilts for Leukuemia project (makes me feel a bit less sorry for myself doing something for someone else.) I used some simple patterns due to the limited/wobbley eyesight. They were fun to do though

I also tried to use the creative part of my brain to take over the panicy part that replays the moments my bag get stolen and tries to figure out what I could have done differently. I can feel my blood pressure rise just writing about it! Anyway, I spent a few hours drawing, a couple folding fabric, and a bit of time making two blocks for Clare at Dordogne Quilter for her Quilts for Leukuemia project (makes me feel a bit less sorry for myself doing something for someone else.) I used some simple patterns due to the limited/wobbley eyesight. They were fun to do though
Now off to bake brownies for the folks at DH's office!
Sorry to hear about the MS symptons, that must be really hard to deal with. How dare people steal your bag so brazenly?No wonder you get upset over it. Comfort eating and patchwork- sounds like good teatment to me.
I don't blame you for being upset! that would have scared me to death. I have heard that it's like that in Venice also. My DH's dad had his wallet stolen when they were there. Good thing my MIL doesn't let him carry much $$. LOL
your blocks look great, hope you are feeling better soon.
I am so sorry to hear about all your woes! I can't believe theft can be so blatant and nothing is done about it. Is it just tourists I wonder or do they rob anyone? I sure hope you are beginning to get your health back - how very awful for you. At least you made it home safely.
Oh you scare me so much sometimes. Don't overdo it now please. Glad Mac didn't drag you off somewhere to visit kittens and you did make it home safely.Take care of yourself.
Can't believe you had to try so hard to keep your own belongings about you in Barcelona -- and they got your bag anyway. With your sketchbook in it?? That really hurts. Loved the photos of Barcelona, though, particularly the Gaudi window. Thank you for posting those.
Love your blocks. Thanks for stopping by & leaving a comment on my blog Simply Quilted.
I hope you feel better. I was tested for MS years ago when I developed the symptoms but tests were negative. I'm sorry that you have the disease, also that your bag was stolen. You have a good attitude and it sounds like you are being very positive. I wish you nothing but the best. :) Conni Lu
Oh I'm so glad you are enjoying that oatmeal recipe! Isn't it wonderful! Mmmm, now if were home I'd go make some right now!
I'm glad to hear that you are back home safely. . .having a Scottish Terrier as a guide dog could have sent you very far afield (my Westie is almost blind from complications of diabetes but he still will take off at a moment's notice!).
Your blocks are beautiful. . .I especially like your use of the striped fabric.
Keep up the breathing & try to keep the panic at bay.
Sending pleasant thoughts your way.
Sorry to hear that you're experiencing symptoms. Your blocks are beautiful. It's amazing to me how therapeutic quilting can be sometimes.
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