Well it has continued to drizzle on and off today but that isn't the worse of our problems...the local water plant is now under 5 feet of water and the faucet has turned to a trickle. They say it could be a couple of days until we have water. How crazy does that sound!!!
Anyway, growing up in New England I was "trained" to have canned food, bottled water, and lots of paperproducts on hand. I think we can make it through a couple of days OK. I will be desperate for a shower by then I'm sure!
The photo is of our apple tree that was doing so well before the rain. About half of the apples are on the ground and there is a black spot attacking those on the tree. We could use a few days of sun about now. My neighbor lost most of their plums as well. This can't be good for the farmers.
I am spending the day watching the British Open and putting the final border on the sampler quilt. Amazon sent me an email letting me know my Harry Potter is on its way so I have something to look forward to this week!
Hope Severn Trent get your water restored asap - amazing how quickly the infrastructure breaks down
Hi Siobhan!
I got my copy of Harry Potter delivered yesterday morning, stayed up til 12 last night reading, and finished just after breakfast today! I think you will love it, but I'm not going to spoil it for you. Hope all is well!
Joe Harris
Hiope the water is back on soon, we are seeing terrible pics here of the flooding over there, what is happening with the seasons?
My harry potter due to arrive soon as well, I am desperately trying to stay away from spoilers! Tracey
ugh, sounds awful. hope they get things shipshape soon. We'd have been screwed - no bottled water here. I'd better follow your example and stock up. fingers crossed Harry gets there soon.
Hi again, you are no reply on your comments so I will reply here-I love john Denver as well, but Grandma's feather bed 22 times on repeat starts to test the friendship! Tracey
Unbelievable, the floods and water situation in your area have made the news here in Australia. They've shown us aerial views, and I can't believe how widespread the flooding is!
I hope you will your services restored soon!
Hope your water gets back to normal soon -- I know what you mean about being trained to stock up, but the lack of showers is not fun. Stay dry! And I hope your copy of Harry Potter can get through!
I've read about the floods. SO sorry, hope it stops soon and gets better!
being from New England also, I know that you can handle the weather. I laughed when you said you stocked paper products, that's classic NE, you can never have too much TP!
Hope the sun shines soon!!
You have my utmost sympathy ! I'm a lot further North than you and we can't believe the pictures we're seeing. Hope things don't get any worse for you. Harry Potter is fab. You should enjoy it !
That's ironic alright, no water because of flooding! I'd have to ahve gallons and gallons of bottled water for coffee- I'd rather be dirty and caffeinated at least.
It is strange that you have no potable water because there is precisely too much! We can be very practical having been raised in New England, can't we? Hope the sun shines for you soon.
Holding good thoughts for you and your neighbors during the flooding. We have never experienced having our house flooded but have come awfully close more than once.
Amazon is just so great :O)...
We here in East Texas have had a amazing amount of rain for us this summer as well, I lost several of my foundation plantings due to them drowning. :O(... We stayed green and lush all summer and that just simply does not happen in Texas... Where we needed the rain after two years of severe drought it also brought its problems...however over all it was a good thing the water tables are up again as are the lakes...
Just found your blog recently :O)..
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