So here are my first blocks...my favorite ugly block has this animal print with the entomology fabric.

I have been doing a bit of a fabric clear-out. I found the fabric fell into several groups: novelty fabric (like the animal and entomology prints) that I bought for a specific project or on impulse; I must have had a metallic period because there is a lot of it lurking in my stash (and I haven't used it in at least 6 years!); which leads me to the last group, old fabric. If the fabric was made after 1970 and before 2000 then I had to seriously wonder why I still had it. Unless I love it then it was put aside to be used before I leave or leave in the UK. I am not packing and unpacking it yet again.

Besides using for the fungly quilt I have used a lot of it making bags. Here in the UK plastic bags have become a pariah but most of the reusable bags are a bit boring. So I found a super simple pattern on the internet on the All People Quilt site. It basically uses two half yard pieces of fabric and makes a reversible bag that can be rolled up and kept in the glove compartment.

Here is Goldie hiding in the apple tree in our front yard. Couldn't find a good spot for this photo but had to get it on the blog!

Not so ugly after all. I like the bags. If you are going to carry cloth they might as well be interesting.
i love your fungly blocks and the bags. I love bags and can not have enuf of them!!
I am having a difficult time finding the ugly in these fungly blocks I am seeing. Yours are great. I like them as well as Bonnie's, and Tonya's. Are there any really ugly fabrics out there? Remember, someone's trash is another person's treasure!
these are great. Wonderful pic of Goldie
Pam, think of these as Quilt Police Ugly, you know they don't like anything different, hee hee hee.
You win! Those are the fungliest blocks I have EVER seen LOL
Nice blocks. Sometimes going through one's stash makes you wonder what you were thinking on that trip to the fabric store.
I love the bag too. ~ksp
I loved your blog. Please visit me at http://thedote.blogspot.com
I am an American living in Ireland, so we do have that in common.
Great site!
I love the term fungly! I sometimes wonder how fabrics got into my stash. Surely I didn't buy that one, or what was I thinking goes through my mind too. Fungly quilts will be a great way to use those fabrics up!
I just love these fungly quilts springing up all over! Your blocks are especially cute, with all the different fabrics.
your squares look great....the funky fabric really makes them!
Howling at your funglies!! They are hilarious...love the bugs and the animal print..hey...it's....natural? :cD
Gotta love that aniaml print fungly. Made me smile.
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