Some of you many have seen a post by Bonnie Hunter a few days ago asking for photos of one of her patterns in different colorways. I happened to read that at the same time as I was clearing up my cutting table. I just happened to have a bag of blue and white strips left over from a blue and white log cabin so I figured - why not....

An hour or so later - ta da! - a blue and white. I quickly snapped a photo and put the block in the mail pile intending to send it to Bonnie. My DH usually does the trips to the Post Office - insert trouble here.
Later that evening I found the block on our bed...I put it back on the mail table. The next morning I found it back on the bed..."gremlins!" I'm thinking. So as I put it on the mail table my husband stops me and said, "I think you should make that one King size so we can use it on our bed. You can make it for me for Christmas!" He left for work before my ability to speak came back....
I called him at work, " no way could I finish a King size quilt for you by least this Christmas."
"Why not?" he asked. Why not? Why not...let me count the ways...
1. I have five quilts waiting for binding that I have to finish before the end of the year.
2. I have a list of people to make cookies for which when added up means I'll be baking over 50 dozen cookies over the next couple of weeks.
3. I will be on the road for one week in December with no access to a sewing machine...
4. I've already pulled fabric to start Bonnie's new Mystery Quilt...
5. I just made a blue and white quilt and I never (well not often) use the same fabrics two quilts in a row...
You are all quilters so I don't have to go much further...his reply to all of this..."I thought I was helping by letting you know what I wanted...besides you made one for your Mother one year in December."
So today I am cutting up strips to make a king size guilt...if you don't hear from me soon send coffee and chocolate.....

Why not?? Snort!!! I so totally agree with you in that whole scenario...when I am totally swamped with stuff!! snort again!
This is so funny. My DH has the same perspective, especially when it comes to stuff for him. I'll be sending you cyber support and fabric hugs.
You do realize you put "king sized guilt"...too funny! At least the mystery of the roaming block was solved. I say make him a robe size and let him be king.
Too funny!! I love that block though. Can't wait to see the quilt when it's finished. Hugs
You're a good wife, and now you get to make an extra long honey-do list! Enjoy THAT thought while your sewing! Sweet!
but of course you DO have to reward that kind of behavior, he's absolutely right. what a treat it is for your spouse to take an active interest in something you love! i'll send you two blocks towards your goal (if you email me the dimensions you want and your addy). maybe some of your other readers can send you a few extra hours in which to do the work!
Oh, how familiar that sounds... my husband discovered I was in fact making him a quilt for Christmas, and THE DAY BEFORE I took it to the longarm quilter, he told me "how much it would mean" if I did ALL the quilting myself. His words when the shocked glare started, "You know, good practice." They have such good intentions...
I just pulled an apple pie out of my oven, and as soon as it's cool, I'll be a lot less stressed!
All I can say is...Please your heart! The things we do for the people we love!
What we do for the ones that we love- I do love your beautiful block- it will be a real beauty when you get finished.
Good luck with all your baking and quilting. You are going to be one busy lady.
Warmest regards.
LOL < this cracked me up!!!!
ok, do you need to me to send you some blue strips????
some chocolate treats to keep you going???
just let me know I am routing for you
I have that quilt on my list to make some day too!
Wow, you're a good wife. I did spot that "King size Guilt" line in your post. I guess that's what your husband laid on you so that you'd make it? :o)
oh! Sio! hahaha! Good luck! I'm in total denial about all that needs to be done for xmas time...Felling for ya girl! ;-) husbands, bless their hearts!
Now that is funny! The men in our lives are always so well intentioned aren't they. But you gotta love 'em! Good luck with this.
How nice that he picked one out! Timing? not so nice. Hey, you have one really good excuse to simply drop all the other "have-to's" and make that quilt. He'll definitely understand the time involved! Oh yeahhh, it IS a neat block!
"Yeah, wifey-pooh...just whip one out!" I LOVE it!! My husband has been painstakingly trained not to say this, but many others around me say this sort of thing ALL THE TIME!! King-sized, no less! It is nice to know what they really and truly want, though.
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
I know just how you feel....although the binding I'm stitching down now was a year and a half In the making from when I bought the fabric and intended to make Keith's quilt. He doesn't ask for much but somehow this one took me a while to start.. Its not king size....just 75x94... But I always procrastinate on the big ones!
Darn typos!
Blow the block size up, it will need less blocks. I love the blues, you used.
I want to do Bonnie's new mystery quilt, but I don't like pink. Tweeking it up to red, would not work in my house. I wonder if blues and browns will work, that is more my house's colors. I guess I will find out.
At least he didn't want it for Thanksgiving!
LOL! You are SO sweet to do that for him! OH, how I long to come sew for days with you on your blue and white.~
I can't blame your dh...THAT is pretty!
Lucy (in IN)
This post really made me laugh:)
So what is he giving you for Christmas?I think you could ask for anything you want, at this point!:)
as I was reading your post I had to laugh.
"So today I am cutting up strips to make a king size guilt" I king size quilt or a king size quilt. I am guessing both. Have fun sewing.
Just spend the rest of TODAY making up 50 zip lock bags with the dry ingredients for the cookies...THEN when you need to do them, pull out a couple and give your HUSBAND cooking lessons to help lighten your load. I mean...since YOU are making HIM a quilt, it's the least HE can do for all your obligations.
Let me know if I can help by sending you a few blocks!!! Would love to help out.
Email me your address if you're interested...
sure, it'll only take you a week or so to whip up that king-sized quilt. d'oh!
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