The past couple of days I have made miles of binding. This is my least favorite part of quilting so my binding pile is dangerously tall at the moment!

My economy block quilt quilt is getting a plain brown binding.

While my Jacob's Ladder above is getting a multi-fabric pink binding. (though now that I look at it I'm thinking of remaking the brown...duh, this is why I never finish things!) Once I get the bindings sewn down on machine I turn them to the back by hand...good for watching movies or baseball games!
I also put away some things I picked up at an estate sale while up in New England earlier this month. A vintage tin sewing box...

Some fabrics from the 1930's

Along with many envelopes with patterns from the 30's and 40's that were purchased through the Boston Globe...

I am doing the same ( for September ) but my binding is black on black, so with my aged eyes a daytime job.
While I don't mind doing bindings, for some reason I leave them for "later".... and in the fall or winter when it's cooler.
The quilt show sounds wonderful... wish I could attend...
great finds!
You're always so damn funny… like with the brown binding change at the last minute. :) I'm diggin' that pink binding. Very nice. Great find with the vintage patterns and all. Totally cool.
Binding is my least favorite part of quilting, too. Some quilters love to do that part.
Great finds!
Happy binding.... quilts are looking great
I try to get the "Bind for an hour" method going when I feel like I have too much to do. That will usually do me ONE SIDE of a large quilt, so in 4 days I can have one quilt done, instead of it feeling like a huge chore!
I've got two to bind sitting's just too dang HOT OUT to want to be under them is the other problem!
I think binding is nice hand work while watch TV in in evening. I like that step becaue then I know the quilt is finished.
What a great sewing tin! Love the 30's applique pattern too!!
I love doing the binding, my favourite bit really LOL!!! Hope you get everything ready in time for the show!!
I love to make and sew on binding. I machine sew one side and then LOVE the last hand sewing part to say goodbye to the quilt. I wish I was closer...I would do your bindings for you!
I am guessing that you hand finish all your bindings. It does make a nice finish. I used to hand sew them, and I know that is the traditional way, but these days I blind hem mine with invisible thread by machine- I find it too time intensive to go around king and queensize bed quilts and I rarely make anything smaller.
I absolutely love the tin box you found at the estate sale. It is a gorgeous one.
Happy binding,
Warmest regards,
It is my least favorite because I am so slow and it takes so much time away from other projects.
Love the tin sewing box!
I never mind doing bindings--though I usually machine stitch mine down. Can't wait to see those two finished!
I must get out my Grandma's vintage pieces of fabric--most are flour sack prints and many are cut from newspaper patterns.
I love doing bindings... and the feeling like it is almost done! Good luck and I think you will have them done well before the show. I agree with just setting a little time for them over a few days and you'll be amazed how quick it gets done.
Pretty quilts by the way!
Our guilds quilt show is Oct 22 and 23 and I still need to figure out what I am putting in the show!!!!
I don't mind binding if there is a Sox game on. otherwise, an onerous chore! love the pics from your NE trip. the cape cod wedding cake was gorgeous!
I love your vintage tin. I also have a few quilts that need binding. I like doing binding, but I haven't had a need for any of those quilts yet, so they sit waiting and waiting for attention! I want to get one done before our next guild meeting. I took a class from our program speaker years ago and want to show and tell that quilt while she is there. I call that a form of motivation.
I wish I'd known you were coming to the Cape. Heartbeat Quilts is one of my favorites. I am a lurker in blog world and have been reading you blog for a couple of years now. Glad you had a good vacation and please if you can share the receip for savory lasagna cupcakes.
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