Maybe the title should read back at the sewing table...whatever. I know I fell off the edge of the earth but MS-y issues took over and I worried if I posted I would be in danger of being whiny so instead I waited until the magic of medicine made me not-so-grumpy! All I will say is quilting coffee and tea cold turkey is not for the faint of heart....

Enough of that...I did get some quilting done...a finish even! I had worried about what binding to put on the little quilt above and finally went with the gold-ish/yellow. I really like how it came out. This quilt is hand embroidered and hand quilted. It is based on a little quilt I bought in Paducah a few years ago....

I also did a lot of semi-mindless piecing. Lots of 1-1/2 inch strips have been sewn into 10 inch blocks....I can thank Tonya for this project! It is using up a lot of funky fabric and bits left over from past projects. I was thinking of calling it my "pensive" quilt since the little strips of prior quilt projects sort of reminds me on the memory threads from Harry Potter.
This weekend I have to put this project away though and focus on the binding Que...I've committed several of these for my guild show next month. Nothing like a show to get me caught up!
Glad you're feeling better... I'll be praying for you!
I can't imagine giving up coffee and tea, but I do drink decaf -----except in the morning when I need that jolt of caffine to wake me up.
Be sure and let us see your quiltd for the show.
I really like the stripy blocks. That is so cool. Is that a pattern?? Do tell, please. :):) Have a good night. Sandie
The nine-patch with the happy gold binding is my favorite. Very cute.
Will cooler weather improve things for you?
Glad you're feeling back up to being at the sewing machine and I for one don't mind a little whine!
I recognized that block even before you said Tonya!
Absolutely, we do not mind a little whine! Glad you are feeling better; love that first block.
stupid MS. You quit coffee???? How and why did that happen?? ugh, that really must have added to the misery. Love the blocks and that is a fabulous name for it. You're throwing in repros and Modas too, right? So this is the first quilt you've ever done mixing up all your brights and repros? woohoo!
Glad you're feeling better! I love your little 9 patch - so cute.
You haven't stopped drinking tea too?! Oh my! Is there anything left you can drink?
Great name for a quilt. Tonya's got a lot to answer for. I'm holding off doing mine cos I know once I start I won't be able to stop.
Hope you feel better! I am only 'allowed' one coffee a day - torture!
Love the Tonya-inspired blocks. I too want to make some...
I'm glad you are doing better, I was concerned about you. Onward and Upward! I like the strip blocks, being straight, not all over the place like you usually see.
Hot damn I'm glad you're on the mend. I dig the semi-mindless piecing with those 1.5" strips. Very fun. :)
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