So I made some specific files for those "go-to" photos like "pets" (don't even ask how many photos are in that one!), my antique and vintage quilts, quilts I've made, antique "inspiration" quilts, guild photos, Holiday decorating ideas....Now at the end of each month I will still make a copy of that months photos but then I will "file" them.

One thing I did learn from this is there are seveal UFO's that are in hiding. Several of you have written about losing the mo-jo on a project and putting it aside until the magic comes back. In my case if the project doesn't stay in view it migrates to the back of the closet and goes into long term hibernation. It was tough to learn there are no quilt elves that visit my closet in the dark of the night to finish my projects...sigh.

So after the quilt show I am going to do yet another clean out. I have the "wanted" posters on these malingers (helpful to know what I am looking for!) They will either make it to the finish list or to new homes....
Finally thanks for all the tips on how to do one-handed binding (note: the birds with clips work really well!) Also thanks for all the emails with offers of help. My friend Paula came by and picked up a quilt and a table runner. She and another quilt-buddy, Angie, are going to put on the sleeve and finish the binding on them.

love that Cobb quilt and the Carolina blocks are gorgeous. so glad Paula and Angie are helping you out!
love the carolina christmas! I haven't been quilting long enough to have them hide from me yet, my ufo's stare at me everyday!!!
Your projects are beautiful! They look close to finishes. I hate to think of photographing my UFO's.
I wish the UFOs in hiding at my place were as beautiful as yours. Wanna trade? : )
So glad the sewing birds helped! And you do have sewing fairies after all (Paula and Angie), they just don't live in your closet.
Love the Baltimore Album blocks and the Carolina Blocks are gorgeous...
I am another fan of the Cobb quilt. Got one of those UFO's myseslf.
What a great bunch o' UFOs! I'm glad you're going to hunt them down... they deserve to see the light of day!
Great Cobb Quilt and those Baltimore Blocks are awesome!!!! I am so pleased you have quilt friends who are helping you out. That has made my day!
I have always wanted to make that cobb quilt
I hope you finish it someday!
I know what you mean about losing things in the closet. I have a few of those myself. I wish I had come in the night and kidnapped that Baltimore album stack of blocks. I have such a time with appliqué, but think it is so beautiful. Maybe someday I will master it. Keep getting well, rest my friend.
I've discovered 505 Spray Baste, and I'm trying to go through my basket of UFOs and finish some. You are so close on some of those, and they are just gorgeous. Love the Cobb quilt and Baltimores.
love them all...i've got a carolina christmas mia/ufo also, but it isn't THAT far done...LOL; gorgeous stuff!
I'd like to be an elf and make a quilt with those applique blocks. Too nice to be stuck in hideaway.
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