One of the new quilters in our group asked me how I prepped my quilts for the show. I can't claim to be an expert but after seeing a few quilts with threads and dear I say cat hair, still attached I guess my system works ok.

First I make sure I have clean bags or pillowcases to put the quilt into. It is no good taking a quilt out of a bag, working on it for 30 minutes to clean off cat hair then put it into the bag it was originally in...chances are there are hairs hiding in there!

Second, I put my quilts up on my quilt hanging rack. You could put a clean sheet down on a bed or large table but having the quilt hanging is much easier on the back. I put a clean sheet on the floor below it and use a large box to toss the thread cuttings.

After all the threads are gone (front and back of the quilt) I then use a pet hair roller and go after any lint, threads or pet hair. The larger the roller the better...I still end up changing the sticky part often.

I left out the part about locking the animals up in the other room while you do this...DH came home and promptly let Dobby the cat out. Dobby...well, being Dobby, immediately ran at the quilt on the rack sending quilt, rack and confused cat tumbling over me.
Off to get the pumpkin cheescake bars out of the oven...more scribing for the judge tomorrow and we need to keep our energy up!
Great system! and a beautiful quilt hanging there! Hugs to sweet Dobby. He knows quality fabric when he sees it :-)
Have a wonderful quilt show!
I wondered what you did with the animals. I have until next week to get my quilts clean for entry into the Aiken Quilt show. Good luck with your quilts, I hope you win a ribbon.
Good to have a reminder how important a clean quilt is at a show! I've seen many with threads hanging, and besides it being distracting, I'm sure it cost them points on the judging.
Thanks for sharing your quilt prep system with us. I learned a few things!
Love your Jacob's Ladder quilt!
Doby didn't want to miss out on the action.
Great advice... and I will definitely keep it in mind even if I never enter a quilt in a show!
I do like the idea of a special bag for a quilt, esp if I'm giving it as a gift... hmmm... ideas!
Your quilt hanging rack is a great idea as well... is it something you can order or did someone make it for you? Just curious...
That's a big job to check a large quilt. Even on my little quilts, I usually miss a thread or two. Typical cat, cute, but typical.
Lots of work to put on a show - and prep! I bet it is really interesting to scribe for the judge...
Enjoy the show!
ugh, getting all the cat hair off is a major ordeal, especially when one of the little critter is there adding to it!
Love that Dobby pic!! And your watermelon colours are lovely! I just love how you do that, it always reminds me of your stunning Double Delight colour scheme!!! It obviously made a lasting impression on me!!
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