Friday, November 23, 2012

Late and tired..Happy Thanksgiving

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving was a success at our house.  Even with the short notice that I'd be cooking a large meal for many it went surprisingly well.  It did cut into my posting and quilting time but as I do not go out on "black Friday" I should be able to catch up today.

For those of you who have or work with children a question:  Is there a book or a comic that has school lockers in it?  My 8 year old grandson is obsessed with getting a grey school lock for Christmas!  Funny kid.   He couldn't find the perfect locker on the internet so I drew one for him based on his "specs."  Then gave him a box of crayons so he could decorate it.  "Wow," he said in disbelief, "this is as fun as an IPAD."  Who knew...wonder how long it had been since he used crayons!

We made a huge batch of waffles this morning...somehow by the time the plate made it to the table we were one short.  There are waffle crumbs behind the couch and Dobby's belly is dragging a bit...doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure that one out!  Heck, Dobby can barely fit in his basket...we may have to get a shoe-horn to get him out!


Donna Keating said...

I'm with Dobby. I just want to curl up in a ball and sleep it off. What a day!

Janet O. said...

*LOL* Love the ipad comment! : )
Glad your holiday went well and that you survived intact.

Tonya Ricucci said...

glad the big meal was a success. found an interesting article about school lockers in general.

cajunquilter said...

how funny about the ipad!

Betty Lou said...

Kids say the darnedest things, guess your grandson's comment was a sign of the times. Kitty looks content and probably won't be hungry for dinner.

ann hermes said...

Typical cat! You wonder how that can be comfortable.

quiltmom anna said...

I am going to guess a book called Diary of a Wimpy Kid- I don't know if there is a locker in it but there is a guess.
It sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving _ Dobby included..LOL
No turkey or the fixins' here in Canada but some Black Friday sales in our stores and certainly on line.
Have a great Sunday- It is our Football Championship game The Grey Cup so I know what will be on the tube in our house..