Long story short - this morning I feel like I ran a marathon yesterday. Leg muscles are randomly cramping up, fatigue makes word choice a chore, and there isn't enough coffee in the country to keep my eyes open for more than a few minutes. I really, really hate being sick. Multiple Sclerosis really stinks (realize I just typed the PG version of what I'm screaming...) Alright, enough whining for now. My apologies.
On the lighter side....I got another box from my sister yesterday with things I left behind this summer. The scottie towel and the two hankies were purchased at an antique fair in New Hampshire. In this month's issue of Home Companion they have an article on collecting old hankerchiefs with a sidebar on Christmas hankies! Originally I wanted to use it for a craft project but I thin I may just leave it alone. One of my "jobs" as a child was ironing my parents handkerchiefs...never thought I'd miss that!!
I've tried three times to post a few more photos of postbox loot (I sure shopped a lot this summer!) but blogger is not cooperating...that, or a severe case of operator error. I have noticed my blog is particularly boring - no bells and whistles, to do lists, links to other sites, counters by country, and neat stuff like that. I suppose today might be a good day to see if I can figure all this techy-stuff out or maybe just go take a nap...
That embroidery is SOOOOO cute!
Love your hankies, and the embroidered one is adorable! By the way, that spaceman quilt in the last post is so cute! Great job! I vote go for the nap LOL .
I love your gifts--- special sister. Sorry about the aches and pains. I think you have a pretty good perspective about the entire thing. It sucks, but you don't let it keep you from living.
sounds like everything is going wrong -- from your body to blogger. Hope things improve soon. :-)
sorry to hear you're not good at the moment - hope you feel much better very soon :o)
So sorry to hear about the MS attack. Hope you're feeling back to normal, or as close as possible, soon!
Love the scottie towel and hankies. Can't wait to see more of what you bought this summer.
I hope you are feeling better. The scottie towel is very cute.
So sorry that your MS is battling you, Sio...just when you were feeling like running marathons. Take things slow...and know that we're pulling for you to get back to yourself again.
Don't worry about the simplicity of your blog. (Mine is simple, too!) Simple never goes out of style! ;-) Rest now and do only what you feel...your blog will wait for another day to play.
So sorry you're doing poorly. Not good - but you already knew that. Wish I could be there to bake for you and walk Mac. Take care of yourself and DON'T OVERDO IT!!!
Oh dear - I'm so sorry you had a bad exaserbation (that's probably not how it's really spelled). MS is such a very tricky disease. One can be going along so nicely and then WHAM! - it just hits you. I'm so glad to read today that you are getting better.
Thanks for sharing your findings - I'm looking forward to seeing more of them.
Oh Sio!! I'm so sorry you are facing that MS crap in a place where you don't know many people yet! I hope these episodes are few and far between.....
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