I was reading Lois R.'s blog - Thoughts of Home Quilting about how she is repainting here new house to make it her new home and it made me think of this quilt. I bought this little quilt at an auction during the American Quilt Study Seminar around 1997. (The label says it was made by Janet Aronsen, Florida...no date.) I've moved 4 times since I've bought this little wallhanging and it is always one of the first things I hang. Isn't it odd that one of the quilts I've made doesn't hit the wall first? I've hung 5 small quilts and none of them are ones I've made! My own are sitting in a pile on top of the dresser in the guest bedroom waiting until I find a spot for them! I think if it hadn't been so cold the last couple of weeks I wouldn't have any of my own work out - fortunately the quilts on the bed are my own work or I wouldn't look like I did anything but buy fabric! (something my DH has long suspected!)
Today I am off to a small Christmas market in town and to pick up my medical records so I can go to another doctor next week. Sometimes MS feels like a full time job!

Are they hawthorn berries? I heard somewhere that you can tell how many hundred years a hedgerow has been growing by counting the number of perennial species growing in a certain length! Don't know if it's true, but sounds interesting! See http://www.smr.herefordshire.gov.uk/education/Hedgerow%20Species2.htm
Keep on taking the pics!! I am LOVING them! I get to see the countryside without every leaving the U.S. :o)
perhaps your quilts are what makes it "home" for others, and are hung up as soon as they move :-)Nothing wrong with have some favorites, with our own its hard to seperate the process from the final product, which can draw us towards them, but also push us away I think
Oooh, love that little quilt! I can see why it has to go up first in your new surroundings--it just screams HOME!
Oh I love that quilt! No wonder you hang it up! It is wonderful!
I love the quilt! A link to this post is going in my "Inspirations" folder!
I think you gotta be willing to carry your camera around and take pics of odd things to be a really interesting blogger. Keep taking pics!
PS. Yes, your Goldie reminds me of my Sarris every time you post a pic of (him or her?)
saw your post on my blog and came over the ocean to check you out. We Boston girls have to stick together. I started looking at some of your archives. How did a nice Beantown girl go from Georgia to England in one short year??
saw your recipe for choc mint snowdrops which I printed and will definitely try!
like your idea to make a journal with the pics you are taking. have added you to my list of blog gals and will be back soon!
My camera stays in my purse for just those photos of odd things that catch my eye as I pass thru my days.
I'm so very glad you are carrying your camera everywhere! Seeing your pictures is the next best thing to being there!
I'm an Australian living in South Africa and I never leave the house without my camera. I want to document all the stuff that is 'new' before it becomes familar and unremarkable. My neighbours think I'm mad too.
It is so fun to experience the UK through your eyes and camera, Siobhan! Those berries are gorgeous...oh, the color!
I'll defend you - I know you finish quilts! Glad you've got some out on the bed. I carry the camera everywhere too, but it's been so overcast and blah I haven't felt any inspiration. Your berries sound beautiful and fit for the holiday.
Oh, when I'm back in South Dakota next summer, I'll take a pheasant picture for you. They are everywhere!
I enjoyed reading your post and I love that quilt. It's so simple, but I think you are right, it would always fit!
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