At left is Goldie, my good cat, by our front door. she has adjusted well to the move. Her coloring however is making it a real challenge for us to find her! She blends with the cotswold stone that is used all over our neighborhood (including our driveway gravel!)
The trip to the Bath quilting shop was a real adventure. The group met at an airforce base about an hour from where I live. I had visited the base a couple of times before but had never driven there by myself. Each time I was driven there I was told to take a left by the gypsy caravan. (Real gypsies with black and white horses, a brightly painted wagon, and a sign saying they will read your fortune.) Well I can tell you what my fortune was yesterday - you will be soooo lost all day. I was driving along and suddenly nothing looked familiar...the gypsies had moved. I know - that's what gypsies do - but why did they have to move yesterday! I pulled a u-turn (where are roundabouts when you need them!) and went back the way I came. I pulled into the parking lot on base just in time to stop the quilting van as it was pulling out!
The drive to Bath was beautiful. The quilting shop there was wonderful. I did feel bad for the woman behind the counter though since is a small shop and there were 9 or 10 of us! Unfortunately several of the women had to be back in time to pick up kids from school so we just grabbed lunch and headed back. I want to go back to Bath and spend a couple of days.
Being lost hadn't ended though. I was careful to leave so I could get home in some daylight. I looked at the map before hitting the road and even wrote the route numbers on a post-it and place it on the steering wheel. I was 80% of the way home - heading onto a road I acually know - when I saw it. Bright flashing lights and a police barracade. My road was closed because of an accident. Out comes the map again...one of the policeman came over and helped but the new directions added almost half an hour to my trip! The last 15 minutes were after sunset but I made it. (I don't drive well in darkness - headlights can cause my left eye to go blank for a few seconds and after a couple of these I get wicked headaches!)
Anyway, the group is going to continue to get together and do a simple project - most are beginners. It will be fun. Monday they are going to cut their project out using a rotary cutter. I am the worst safety offender when it comes to rotary tools but I will try to follow rules for a day so I don't hand off all my bad habits! Even better news...they will meet in the morning which gives me plenty of time to be lost in the cotswolds!
Sounds like a great time! Glad you got home ok. I visited Bath once many moons ago - it's beautiful.
What a pretty coloured cat - glad you enjoyed your visit to Bath - I'd say definitely worth a return visit. Good that you've found a group to get into too :o)
bzseoSounds like you found a good group. I love Bath, always wanted to visit the American Museum - but when we were last there it was closed!
Cute kitty! (My boy blend in with slate...)
Sounds like a neat group. (I am a bad rotary cutter offender too - I finally got an automatic closer!)
getting lost is a great way to learn the area -- and it worked out OK you caught the bus in time :-)
Well I'm glad you made it! Sorry, but the gypsy caravan moving before you needed it there just made me laugh!
Glad to hear you had a fun trip, even if it was too short and you got lost getting there.
Love your kitty. Goldie looks like my kitty, sarris.
D'oh. Glad you made it safely to Bath and back home again. The city is definitely worth a longer trip - lots of cool things to do. Besides the American Museum there is also a clothing museum that has examples of the kind of clothes Jane Austen would have worn etc. If it's still there. You be careful with that rotary cutter! Glad you've found some fellow quilters, even if they are newbies.
The gypsies MOVED?!?! Why...the nerve of them! LOL! I had to laugh when you said that. Who woulda thunk it? And yes, why THAT day?
Glad that you made it home, all safe and sound. :o)
I just loved reading your account of your day. Hope you got some quilt fabric. Your kitty certainly does blend in. I have a cat that sandy color too but no Cotswold stone for her to disappear into.
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