Blogger finally is letting me post photos again! On the left are some cards of vintage buttons that were also in the package from my sister. I bought them at the Lowell quilt festival this summer. The blue ones are so cool I am thinking of just framing the card!
Well I am getting around a bit better today - somthing to be thankful for! DH is still worried though so he took the morning off from work to drive to the doctor with me and to help with the grocery shopping. I can't beleive what I found a the store - Hershey's Mint Chocolate Chips!!! Big jump-up-and-down (if I could!) happy!
One of my favorite cookies at Christmastime is a Chocolate Mint Snowtop and you need a bag of the mint chocolat chips to make them. I know on some web sites they tell you that you can use regular chips and just use more mint extract - so not the same. (my first clue should have been that I was on the Nestle web site not the Hershey one!!!) We listened to Christmas music all the way home - amazing since DH can usually only take a few minutes of it!
My first year in Georgia I bought a bag of the chips around Thanksgiving. A couple of weeks later I went back to our grocery store - no mint chips! They only distribute them around the holidays and the manager told me they were out. He was nice enough to call a few other stores for me and I ended up drive to the next state (OK only about 12 miles...but next state sounds soooo much more impressive...) Since he had been so nice the next week I dropped of a tin with some of the cookies in it for him at his store! The next year I was walking though the store around Halloween and I hear, "hey lady...excuse me miss...miss mint cookies from Boston..." It was the store manager racing down the aisle towards me. They were in. We went out back and there was the case - unopened. I snagged 4 bags! He, and three ladies from the meat department, also bought some with the promise I would drop the recipe by that week.
So here is the recipe that I got from my sister who got it from my cousin at a family Christmas party. They are good the first day, but better the second or third. If you store a piece of bread in the container with them they will stay nice and soft. Do not store them with other cookies unless you want the other cookies to also smell like mint!
Chocolate Mint Snowtops
1-1/2 cup cups flour
1 10-oz package mint chocolate chips
1-1/2 tsp. vanilla
1-1/2 tsp. baking powder
6 Tbsp. butter
2 eggs
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup sugar
confectionery sugar
In a medium bowl combine flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside.
Over hot water, melt 1 cup of mint morsels. Stir until smooth. In a large bowl, beat sugar and butter until creamy. Add melted mint morsels and vanilla. Beat in eggs, then gradually beat in flour mixture. Stir in remaining mint morsels. Wrap with plastic wrap and refridgerate until firm.
Preheat oven to 350 dgrees. Shape dough into 1-inch balls. Roll in confectionary sugar. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 10-12 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes on cookie sheet. Cool on wire rack.
Oh thanks for the recipe. My daughter LOVE mint stuff. She will love these! The buttons are wonderful. I tried to pick out my favorite, but gave up!
Okay now I have to look for those chips. I'm making cookies as my gift to co-workers and these sound REALLY good. Thanks for the recipe.
I'm definitely trying these--- thanks for the recipe.
I love the buttons! And great story about the chips. I'll have to try them@
I love the Lowell Quilt Festival - I missed it this year, though. Did you hear that it's becoming annual?! Very exciting. I also LOVE chocolate and mint! I need to import some of those chips!!
Hi Sio, what great buttons! I love that they have put 6 individual buttons on a card..*VBS* I certainly could see framing the blue or coral ones !
So sorry to read of the full blown MS attack. Sounds very, very scary when you are alone there.
I'm glad to read you are getting out and about some, and feeling more comfortable, but do take it easy in between! Great Scotties on that piece in your package..*S* Hugs, Finn
Oh - can hardly wait to try these. I love mint and chocolate together. Think Starbucks peppermint mochas!
In the UK there is a company called Ragbags based in Ripon in Yorkshire who recycle any fabric suitable for patchwork - they also do lovely old buttons retrieved from the garments they recycle - their website is www.ragbags.net and while they don't show buttons on there they do go to all the main UK shows and have loads of lovely stuff on their stall
A. I have no idea what is wrong with me, but i am an emotional mess. How do I know, because I cried when I read that the manager remembered you & let you know about the mint chips right away... Service like that is SOOOOO rare!
B. I love mint & chocolate - mint M&M's are also just seasonal & I buy enopugh to last a good 6 months - yes I do.
C. Hershey's had mint kisses with a recipe ont he back last year - Very good!
D. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Miss mint cookie from Boston! *LOL* That is TOO funny! i bet the cookies are to die for. I'm glad I had a few minutes to catch up wtih your blog!
We're gonna give these a try for Christmas this year. Sounds good!
I'm so glad to hear that you're doing better and that your dh was there for you. Hang in there.
Thanks for sharing your recipe...I'll definitely try these.
oh, I love mint chocolate chip...whatever! thanks so much for sharing this recipe..I too love to bake cookies for holiday gift giving.
love your story
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