Well I've volunteered to host the craft night for the local expat's at my house on Monday night. What was I thinking! I only have to get the first floor cleaned and organized...did I say only?! What was I thinking...All this when I would rather be quilting.
Anyway, I fused the snowflakes onto the tablerunner so I am still one step ahead of the beginners group. I've only used wonder-under a couple of time so I wanted to do a dry run first. Now I've always added my applique before quilting. There is a woman in the group who swears it works better for her to fuse after she quilts...any advise? Since most of the folks in the room want to machine stitch the applique down it would have to be before right? I ended up doing a hand running stitch with 2 strands of embroidery thread . The stiches are fairly big on purpose - the plain white fabric just looked too plain.
Today I am going to an auction preview! Not that I need anything but it is always fun to look. Besides I am short of bookcases and places to hide fabric and a small table to put the printer on and...well, you got the picture!
I finally got a photo of Brownie in her new hangout...the wide windowsill! She has recovered from her summer ordeal and is acually very healthy for the first time in a long time. She likes to sit in the window (which is partially blocked by the sofa) so she can spy on anyone in the living room and can see anyone coming up to the front door without being seen herself! Since the move she and Goldie have traded personalities again - Brownie stays indoors msot of the time and is very shy while Goldie now goes on walks with Mac and I and sits on visitor's laps! The "green man" face jug next to her is one I made years ago in Georgia.
I just love the look of the fused snowflakes, and blue is my fave colour! Kitty looks so comfortable there on the windowsill, and she reminds me so much of our old cat named Sasha!
The runner looks great. Cute cat, too!
Applique after quilting... I have a UFO were this is my idea, but I plan to hand applique. I think with Machine applique, it would be better to do it before...
I thought the runner was cute before but with the addition of the snowflakes I really like it.
I've heard of appliquing after a piece is quilted but only by hand and not using fusible. I think I'd do that before quilting. But you never know. It might work great and what better to try it on than a small table runner.
Brownie is so cute in her window. My babies would LOVE wide windows to sit in.
If you were to machine applique after quilting you'd need to not fuse it (or use a cotton batting as the polyester would melt). It'd also "show" on the back, which depending on the applique and the quliting you're doing might be very effective, or not.... I guess what I'm saying is I've seen both done and it depends on the effect you wnat :-)
I've always fused before quilting. However I have stitched the fused piece down during quilting - as in the stitching around the fused piece becomes part of the quilting. They new learners may like that.
Your kitty is so cute next to that ugly green man! :)
great table runner with the snowflakes...I really like your kitty photo...nice pottery piece you made.
So wonderful to see a pic of my sweetie girl Brownie. I'm glad to hear that she's in good health - I've been worried about her. Your face jug looks wonderful there with her! Can't believe she's become such a homebody tho...
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