I thought I may have placed an order back in December for some fabric but had forgotten where. This week it showed up. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I ordered it! I have enough repro fabric to make a dozen quilts and am never really happy when I get the entire collection in fat quarters ( I find I only like half of them in the end.) With this set I do like the shirting fabrics and I alway use those up. From the other collection I pulled my favorites and immediately cut the others into blocks (6-1/2 inches) and strips (2 and 2-1/2 inches) and tossed in the baskets. That way I am more likely to use them. The patterns are nice though I wonder why I get them since I hardly ever use them? I think I did some homesick shopping....
Today I went to a craft sale at the racecourse. It was selling craft making supplies including quilting "stuff." I got some rotary blades and a new mat - my mat was rolled up during shipment and has never flattened again! The other one I cut right through.... Anyways, it was an interesting show. Lots of scrapbooking stuff and wool for knitting. Unfortunately it is times like that I get really homesick. All the tables in the coffee/snack show were filled with women and their buddies talking about the show...miss my running buddies in the states.
To make myself feel better I did splurge on a new tool...it is called imagepac and it allows yo to make your own stamps. You can use just about any noncopyrighted image - including photos. It is a very cool process. I'm going to try and make a Macbeth stamp tonight....I'll let you know how it comes out.

Those fabrics look delicious - I clicked for a close-up. The make-your-own stamp sounds intriguing.
Let us know how the stamp maker works. I might like one of those. I love repro fabric too. it was a smart idea to them up into strips.
I really like the 'Golden Memories' pattern, very clever using the colouring on those courthouse steps blocks to melt into the sampler blocks
I looked up imagepac; apparently it's only available in UK and NZ? Let us know how it works, sounds very neat. Love your order.
dakota26Hi Sio, I've been trying and trying to post a comment, and finally! Blogger let me in!! *VBS*
Sometimes a forgotten package is a good thing...sound like this one is kind of "iffy". Hopefully their are parts you can enjoy, or over dye?
Wish I were close enough to have you over for a cup of tea, being that far from home is the hardest part. Easier for the DH's as they get out and go and make connections. It's us that suffer, and I can say that, having been an AF wife, but never living on a base. Keep your chin up kiddo and try not to over do, Hugs, Finn
Oh your fabrics and patterns are beautiful! I thought it was so funny you couldn't remember what and where you ordered and then cut up some of the new fabric in strips right away! I"m playing in my box of small repro scraps today too!
More beautiful Red White and Blues! I love the 4 x 9 patch
it is hard to be far away from all friends..it just takes so long to make new ones! glad your package arrived even though it sounds like you were not as happy with some of it as you could have wished. loved the snowy photos...MacBeth stamp huh? looking forward to seeing if that comes out to your liking.
Oh, I can relate to that kind of shopping! But in my case it's more like "It's been too long since I've gotten to sew anything quilty so if I shop I can at least feel like I've done SOMETHING quilty!" I'm working really hard not to do that sort of shopping any more. Last time I did it was at the end of December. I'm totally ashamed to tell you how much the order added up to.
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