It is still snowing but the ground has warmed up enough that it is just turning to sleet. Not as pretty as yesterday. I stayed in and worked on blocks for the beginners group. I've toned down some of the blocks from my quilt to keep them from being frustrated but there is one quilter there who has lots of experience and I'm afraid she is getter bored. I know staying with a limited number of fabrics (to make it easier to match up to the instructions) and working with a 12-inch block is making me a bit crazy! I just cut the fabrics for an alternating 4-patch and it was killing me not to add more fabrics...wouldn't it be better if all fo the 4 patches were different? What if...no, no, no...keep it simple I had to keep repeating to myself. (The rows in the block above haven't been sewn togther yet...it isn't that my points are that bad!)

Oh all the snow pictures are so beautiful. I also think it is so funny how here in the US old is 1800's! And here the church was built in the 13th century!
Hi, thought I'd pop over and have a look at your blog. (thanks for the comment on mine) I've really enjoyed reading everything you've been up to. I even had a look at the earlier stuff about your move over to the UK and it made me smile....some of your thoughts about packing for a major move were much like my mine when I came over in 2001. I've got you bookmarked and look forward to seeing and reading more of your blog.
The snow looks so pretty, especially when we're in the middle of a hot summer here in Australia. Poor Macbeth must get a frozen undercarriage but he looks as if he's enjoying himself.
Hope you get lots of piecing done while you're confined indoors.
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