The little black cloud continued to hover over us...my camera's battery was dead. Oh well. It was a small show but had some nice quilts in it. There was one with lots of yellows, creams and apricot colors that really grabbed my eye. Unual colors for me to be attracted to but it was my favorite.
Sunday we drove to Birmingham to go to a Mexican restaurant...repeat the problems of Saturday. We ended up with a Kebab! Yesterday I made chili to make up for it.
The spring flowers are starting to come up. It makes the morning walks more fun. I'm trying to get in shape again...not easy. Dh and I are doing some streatching, pushups and situps every morning and I am gradually increasing my morning walks with MacBeth. We never found the scale when we unpacked so I have no idea if it is making any difference...I'm just hoping to fit into a "little black dress" that has hung in my closet for the past 5 years!
The photo is of my large hexegon project. The hex's are getting a bit too repeditive for me so I'm auditioning some other blocks to finish the quilt. I have a stack of mixed blocks to work with...they may all end up in this semi-orphan block project.
the colours of the hexagons and hourglasses work well together.... Hope you've enjoyed the exploring, even if you haven't found the spots you set out for easily :-)
Did I hear the words "spring flowers" ??? - oh yeah, even hearing those words, give me hope -- it may be coming 8-)))))
Hexagons are great!
Ah yes, mapquest... an hour to get there and hour getting lost! been there, done that! Your hexagons look great! I haven't tried any hexagons yet.
I did think about going to that show but kids other things got in the way - shame it would've been nice to meet up with you - still at least you had a tour round Bristol on the way :o) Like the idea of using the hexagons with orphan blocks in something - looking forward to seeing how it turns out
love the idea of mixing the hexagons with other blocks like these. the colors look beautiful together. at least you got to see some quilts!
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