As I sat in my quilting room last night (feeling very bad for myself I must admit) I found myself counting the ways I could not quilt because of my hands and eyesight (before you feel too bad for be both of these get better with a little TLC and sometimes some major doses of steroids...Tiny Tim I'm not!)
I began to try some of the old handpiecing standbys....using freezer paper on top and english paperpiecing. The freezer paper was set aside since it ment using the iron and it is amazing how heavy those are when you aren't feeling well! The English paperpiecing has it's own challenges. Anyone who comes to see me right now finds themselves drafted into threading needles - I have dozens of them all lined up with 18-inches of grey tread attached and neat little knots at the bottom! The fabric cuts don't have to be accurate since it is wrapped around the cardboard anyways. The pieces aren't too big nor too small....plus it uses up some small pieces left over from lots of reproduction quilt projects. When I started this I wanted it to be a true charm quilt...part of the reason it is unfinished. Now I'm happy just to have a piece added! There are (at least) two like blocks already and there is no way I would "reverese sew" them out so now it is a scrap quilt. Like many of my projects there is no defined end point...currently it almost laptop size. (The size it ends up being may be directly related to how long it takes for my sight to clear up!) I'm sticking with the reproductins becasue I sort of know without seeting them what they look like so even though I may end up with a few "what was she thinking" places the whole should be OK!
YOu hang in there. You do some beautiful work and will be back to work in no time. :o) LOVE those little hexagons. I'm doing a GFG in fall colors but love yours in the repros!
Didn't know your eyes were acting up again - sorry about that. So not good. Glad you have a project you can work on and enjoy. Want me to mail you some threaded needles?
Oh I LOVE it! I've always loved these quilts but just not ambitious enough to do one! I love this pattern in the more older reproduction fabrics! It is wonderful! I am working on several repro fabric quilts and gave up doing charms. If I have enough scraps of one fabric more than one piece is going into it! Life is too short to sweat over "only one fabric" per quilt!
I love the way you have the lights surrounded.
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