Sorry I have been bad about posting. I've had a bad case of Meralgia paresthetica...which is quilt literally a pain in the butt! I can't sit in one position for more than a few minutes before the burning in my lef and "hip" muscles becomes unbearable which makes doing anything on the computer tough! The option is to take lots of pain-killers (which I hate to do!) or tough it out (stiff upper lip and all that!) I'm finding a happy medium between the two.
I have been working on a new sampler quilt as teaching aide for the new quilt group. The phto on the left has four of the blocks. Our first block is going to be the London Stairs (lower right) and the the variation (the one with the cowgirl in the center.) I've tried to find blocks that have something to do with England. A bit of a challenge. The project will keep me on a schedule though and hopefully I will finish it! There will be a total of 25 blocks which at this moment feels like a lot.
Winds and flooding around our area the past couple of days have been bad. The cats are being very needy and are battling for the warm spot in the hallway in front of the radiator. I'm hoping it clears out by the weekend so we can get out and do some sightseeing again.
I like the blocks. THey go well together. It sounds like the weather is weird all over the world. Here is our forecast for today:Periods of light snow and blowing snow. Wind north 40 km/h gusting to 60. Temperature falling to minus 23 this afternoon. Wind chill minus 37. A good day to stay inside and quilt.
I really like those blocks. I am a nut for cowboy fabric anyway. I've got one done that needs to be quilted for the childrens' hospital here in CT. i'll post a pic this weekend so you can see it.
btw, i've had that same "pain in the butt" for a year now. i thought it was sciatica. maybe not. anyway my doc's approach is the same, painkillers (hmmm...driving? working? i don't think so) or your english approach(stiff upper lip). i have found that stretching has made it a bit better. don't know if that would help you.
anyway, hang in there!!! guess we all have "pains in the butt" of one kind or another... glad you are back!
The blocks look wonderful. Sorry to hear about your "pain". Now that stinks big time. Does it just go away eventually? I hope you feel better soon!
Poor old you! it's bad enough having a metaphorical pain in the butt or two but a real one must be just that :o)
Your quilt blocks look great - I'm sure that by the time they've worked through all of them your beginner quilters will be pretty adept
Sorry you are in so much discomfort. Hope you feel better really soon.
I like your blocks. I am looking forward to more of them. I have a lot of cowboy fabrics. I was collecting Cowboy fabric for a while so as to make a quilt for my Father. He was a REAL live cowboy, grew up on the range and all. But he past away 11 months ago so I am looking for other ideas for the fabric. I like your's.
Hi, I hope you feel better soon and back to quilting ;-) Take care, Giusy
I'm glad you're putting your cowgirls to use. Does this mean you finally get to have a cowgirl bedroom somewhere in the house? Heh heh heh.sorry about the pain - not good.
Hee hee hee. I love the cowgirl! And your log cabin setting is beautiful.
So sorry to hear about your pain. Is it a permanent thing or will it pass?
Your blocks are just lovely, and quite an achievement considering your 'pain in the butt'. I hope you're feeling better.
I love the red and blue...so bright and happy. Would it help your 'pain' to use one of those stability cushions in your chair. They sell them at sewing stores and sporting good stores. I was able to sit and sew tonight for 2 hours straight b/c there isn't any pressure on a specific point. Best, Catherine
ACKKKK! I was just reading about this condition in my massage therapy journal...I wish I were there to work on those muscles, I know I could help you out with that! The blocks are turning out really cute, I bet you are having fun with the new ladies you've met!
Your cowgirl sampler is adorable!
Meralgia Paresthetica (Burning Thigh Pain) - a new research blog
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