I finished a few more blocks for the cowgirl sampler quilt. It feels funny doing such large blocks - 12 inches! The group is mainly beginners so I am trying to keep it easy. I did realize after doing the color confidence class with them that I should try and limit the number of fabrics I was using...that is tough for me! So after being careful with the these four and getting a bit frustrated I have decided the cowgirl quilt could have lots of fabric (yahoo!) and instead the blocks I do as demo's in class will be limited to only 7-9 fabrics. I hope it doesn't confuse the group too much.

The leg pain is still pretty bad. I went online to find out if there was anything else I could do and the advice on the MD Website was to stop wearing tight clothing, lighten the toolbelt, and lose weight. So I guess no more spandex and big leather carpenter belt around the house anymore! Seriously though - my DH describes my clothing style as "Amish" I'm not sure how much looser it could get and stay on! I don't wear belts or backpacks. Unfortunately that leaves lose weight. I think in the second year of medical school the baby-docs are told if you can't cure them then just tell them to lose weight. So as I have been re-examining my New Year's resolutions (ya, I know it is almost halfway through January...) I've put weight loss back onto the list. So I guess I am on a fabric and food diet for the next few months. The question is how to make this fun?!
I love your sampler blocks, they look so fun to make. I'm definitely not the one to offer advice on diets ... I'm the classic yo-yo dieter ...
I love your cowgirl blocks (what with being from Wyoming and all). I've been viewing your blog for a week or so and I appreciate the work you're doing (I'm a quilter and former military). Keep up the good work - I know it isn't always easy being a military spouse overseas. As for weight loss, well...The treadmill (and a DVD of "Friends") makes it easier.
Oh I love the log cabin block, those fabrics are so pretty! And the sampler blocks are just fun! Hope your doing better. Don't even ask me about diets.... ughh.
I am right there with you on both diets! I am not sure which is more of a struggle! Good luck to you!
love the cowgirl blocks and i'm sorry to hear about the decision to lose weight. Nothing fun about it...
doesn't seem fair that you have to be on two diets at once?? if you lose weight, how will you reward yourself if you can't fatten the stash??!! it's a dilemma. the treadmill idea is a good one. I spend 40 minutes every day on mine for relief of sciatica and that's when I watch most of my tv.
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