I have so many projects started it is even starting to bother me! Last week I pulled out some tops I had finished and started piecing backings. I finished the backing on the right for my nephew's quilt and have three others in various stages. The problem with this project is I end up spending way too much time in the quilt room rummaging through piles of fabric and coming up with ideas of new projects. Say, string piecing perhaps? I pulled a large basketful of fabrics that I no longer thought I would use and cut them into strips and have now made twelve 10-1/2 inch blocks. That was while I was supposed to be piecing backs!
Focus, Focus....Before I was supposed to be doing the backs I was working on a sampler quilt for

Focus, Focus...I started to lay out the string blocks this weekend so I would get them done and then I could get back to the backings but my leg started bothering me again so I snuggled up on the couch and played in the hexagon bag instead...before you know it there is half a quilt there. This will need a back soon....maybe I should go play in the fabric stacks for awhile. There is the great lighthouse fabric that would make a great border for an Around-the-world that I've always wanted to try....and what do yo know I found the 3/4 finished blue log cabin that only needs the a few hours work to pull it together.
Focus, Focus...what was I planning on working on? Why is it I never finish anything?
You have a lot of irons in the fire but you seem to be making progress on all of them. I like having a couple of different projects going in different stages. Then if you don't feel like doing one thing, you always have another to turn to.
btw, love the dresden cowboy plate
Hee hee, I think a lot of us have the same focus problem. Hey, it's not a problem, it's "being creative" LOL.
You've obviously got the same butterfly-itis as me :o) never mind at least you are making progress albeit in lots of different directions
You are too funny! Focus now.... I'm talking to you!!!!
I get like that sometimes when I get excited about projects too!
It is always nice to have Options to work on.
I try to focus also but when I come home after work that is about the last thing my mind can do. Last week when I was sick. I had a hard time focussing long enough to comment on blogs I was reading.
I read an article today about a great US Quilter Mary Schaefer. When she died someone (I think it may have been Gwen Marston???) bought 14 unfinished quilts from the family and finished them. So its fine to have several on the go. Remember - variety is the spice and all that.
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