I thought about writing out a list of New Year's resolutions but then I realized that my list was the same for the past five years...lose weight, exercise, get financials in order, take a class, finish more projects...almost verbatium! So I'm, going to take a bit more time and make sure that none of them are repeats!
The big ball hanging from the tree in the photo is mistletoe! Since the leaves have fallen you can see big balls of it high in the trees around our house. It finally dawned on me where the "kissing balls" came from that I used to make back home. (If you look closely you can see the sheep too!) We are going to walk up the village hill today. We are so relieved to see sunshine we have to get out of the house. This morning I saw the two peacocks in our neighborhood. Their feathers have all grown in and they look beautiful! They make a horrible sound though.
I've started to work on the sampler quilt for my quilt group. I looked for quilt blocks that has something to do with England. Our first is Roman Pavement. I'll have photos in my next post. My camera is acting up again...I think the battery isn't sitting correctly.
Mistletoe is especially prevalent in the South West as it loves apple trees and we do have a lot of orchards in Herefordshire Gloucestershire and Somerset - all that cider - yum!
wonderful picture with the sheep "hiding" beyond the gate....
My new year's resolutions are just like yours! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have finished the quilt I was working on and have posted some photos of the front of it. Happy New Year
The mistletoe looks fabulous, but I can't get past how *green* everything is!! Oh...to have green grass instead of brown. Of course, that means that I'd have to mow....*sigh*
Happy new Year!
Happy New Year. Yup, those resolutions look familiar to me too, except for "take a classs" - that one is never on mine.
I always like reading your blogs. I feel like I get to visit the UK with out taking the time off for work.
The little guy is so cute with his quilt. I really does make a difference if you know the the recipient loves the quilt.
I've never seen mistletoe in the "wild" before. Funny, I never thought about it actually growing. Here's another funny thing: when I was a kid we used to go to this guy's house. He had peacocks, and he paid us a nickel for each peacock feather we picked up. I thought it was grand! For all the peacocks I saw, I don't remember a thing about their awful noise.
Resolutions are just goals --Every year I also, have the same goal, lose weight, and I figure, I am successful, even though the scale says the same! But if I hadn't tried, then it would have been more, so ... ta tahhhh, success. 8-) At least you are not backsliding!
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